Why Sunland

Why Sunland

Why Sunland

A well-established staff of international and Indian counsellors works for Sunland(SEIC) to offer reliable recommendations on universities and courses. We are a professionally run education and Immigration Consultant firm with more than 15 years of extensive experience. We specialise in recruiting individuals to study in prestigious universities throughout the world and offer a variety of immigration opportunities. Our knowledgeable international education counsellors evaluate students’ skills and professional objectives in order to provide advice and support in choosing the appropriate course and institution. Team SUNLAND resource centres, which are networked throughout the nation, make this difficult and intricate admissions, documentation, and processing procedure easier to understand.

Sunland offers students prompt, accurate, and trustworthy service to protect them from unexpected harassment. We assist the student in choosing a country based on their credentials, IELTS scores, and any gaps in their education caused by prior work experience. We also assist our clients in choosing the most appropriate programme and inform them upfront of how they will obtain permanent residency after completing the programme and the requirements needed to obtain the respective country’s PR. If the student still needs our assistance after being abroad, they can email us or phone our whatsapp line, which is active around-the-clock.

  • We are certified professionals.
  • From applying for a visa to settling abroad, we work directly with students and their families to support them at every stage.
  • We stay in touch with the student throughout their academic career.
  • We help our students not only with their student visas but also with their extensions and applications for permanent residence in the destination country.
  • Immigration advisor with a licence.

For more detail, Go through our website http://sunlandedu.com

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