New Zealand Country

About New Zealand

New Zealand Country:

  • Capital : Wellington
  • Largest City : Auckland
  • Government : New Zealand National Party
  • Prime Minister : Bill English
  • Dialing code : 0064
  • Currency : New Zealand dollar (NZD)
  • Exchange Rate per NZD : Rs. 45/-to Rs. 50/- (Approx)
  • Area : 268,021 km2
  • Type of Country: Common wealth
  • Population : 4.5 Million
  • Official languages: : English, Maori

The New Zealand is one of the beautiful, Fantastic scenery with abundance of greenery and Crime Free Country in the world and promises a great future for the international students. As one can easily get Permanent Residency after completing of Education in New Zealand. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington and its 1,930km southeast of Australia and consists of two major islands, North Island (116,031 sq km) and South Island (153,540 sq km), which are separated by Cook Strait.The national Bird and Animal is “KIWI” and the National game is “RUGBY”. TheMajor Citiesof New Zealand are Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Napier-Hastings, Tauranga, Dunedin, Palmerston North, Nelson, Rotorua, New Plymouth, Whangarei, Invercargill, Wanganui and Gisborne.

The New Zealand country is proud to boast of a prosperous indigenous culture, busy cosmopolitan cities, traditional towns and friendly people. And all of this makes New Zealand a place well worth visiting and settling in.

Several small islands comprise New Zealand. North Island, which is more developed, has the main cities, while the vast empty spaces of South Island are best for escaping the crowds.

The New Zealand Country is supported by the wonderful infrastructure and transportation system moving around in country is efficient and hassle free and two scenic rail journeys. The rail network is inter connected in such a way that it forms an efficient network to move throughout the country.

There are enormous range of well renowned universities and colleges in New Zealand. Students from different countries are getting New Zealand study visa to enroll themselves into these institutions.


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