Quebec City

Why Do People Move to Quebec?

Why Do People Move to Quebec?

Immigrants now frequently choose Quebec City as a place to settle and work in Canada. This is due to the beautiful surroundings, simple immigration procedures, robust economy, low cost of living, top-notch educational system, and first-rate healthcare and transportation systems.

The largest province in Canada, Quebec is situated in the east of the country. The Algonquin word “kébec,” which refers to a location where a river narrows, is where the province gets its name. This was used to describe how the St. Lawrence River was getting smaller where Quebec City was then. Quebec has gone by many names throughout its history, including New France, Canada East, and Lower Canada.

Numerous iconic buildings can be found throughout this fascinating city, including the National Assembly of Quebec, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, and the Château Frontenac hotel. The province is also well-known for its businesses, medical centres, schools, tourist attractions, and natural resources.

Because Quebec can open many doors for immigrants to Canada, this province is frequently their first choice.

We’ll learn here how moving to Quebec can improve your quality of life and career prospects in Canada.

Outstanding Employment Possibilities:

Both skilled and unskilled workers can find a variety of jobs in Quebec. You can submit an application for jobs in the public administration, business, transportation, services, tourism, and defence industries.

The majority of people employed in the city work for the provincial government. Benson and Hedges, Gearbox Software, La Maison Simons, Norda Stelo, SSQ Financial Group, and Industrial Alliance are among the businesses that call Quebec home.

Amazing Education Landscape:

International students can enrol in programmes in Quebec’s top-notch educational system. Over 45,000 international students reside in Quebec, according to one report. The public and private educational facilities that make up the city’s secular educational system. It is separated into primary, secondary, college, and university levels. Within the public system, elementary and secondary education are free.

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education of Quebec are in charge of the educational system.

The University Laval, Télé-University, École national d’ administration public, and Institute national de la recherche scientific are just a few of the renowned institutions that are housed there.

Any university or college degree earned in Quebec is recognise internationally. Additionally, students can enjoy a low cost of living in Quebec. You have the option to apply for Canadian PR while studying in Quebec.

Wonderful environment for business:

The business climate in the city is straightforward and friendly.

Quebec is a signatory to trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) (NAFTA). Quebec also has lower business operating expenses than the rest of Canada. With a business tax rate of 26.6%, Quebec has one of the lowest rates in North America for businesses engaged in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing. In order to draw in more investors and open up new markets, this area serves as a hub of international trade.

A robust economy:

Quebec guarantees a robust economy with average growth potential, concentrating mainly on the service and manufacturing industries. The city contributes a total of 19.65% of Canada’s GDP.

Universal and Free Healthcare System:

Residents of Quebec have access to a high-quality, reasonably priced healthcare system that also offers insurance coverage.

Simple Migration Methodology:

Candidates who are qualified and eligible can immigrate to Quebec much more quickly and easily. Additionally, these candidates are allowed to bring along any dependents who are eligible for the same rights and benefits as Canadian citizens.

These are the principal justifications for selecting Quebec as your Canadian residence. Contact our immigration experts, who can explain and walk you through the immigration process, for more details on the Quebec immigration process.



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