Indian Student Lifestyle in Canada

The Indian Student Lifestyle in Canada: What Should You Know?

The Indian Student Lifestyle in Canada: What Should You Know?

Canada is a well-liked destination for Indian students who are thinking about going to study abroad for a number of reasons. The city offers top-notch educational opportunities, reasonably priced housing, and state-of-the-art medical facilities. Because of this, living in Canada has its advantages and disadvantages. It can be difficult to manoeuvre through unfamiliar surroundings, especially for Indian students.


In Canada, the emphasis on student autonomy and independence is part of a more liberal approach to the educational system. Additionally, it enables students to engage in volunteer work and extracurricular pursuits.

The post-graduation work permit programme, which enables Indian students to find employment and make money to support their stay in Canada, is another incentive for them to study in Canada. By doing this, they are able to mitigate the effects of rupee depreciation and lessen the financial strain on their parents.

Living in a Culturally Diverse Neighborhood

The diversity of the population, which comes from many different cultures and religions, contributes to Canada’s high standard of living. This is a result of several centuries’ worth of immigration to Canada.

No matter their race, national or ethnic origin, language, gender, age, or sexual orientation, all Canadians are entitled to equal protection under the law. Multiculturalism refers to the idea that people should respect and accept one another’s differences in culture, values, beliefs, and behaviours.

Being an Indian student in Canada may cause you to be surrounded by peers from various racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds. Although at first glance this may seem confusing, diversity is what makes Canada great.

A good place to start is by joining community organisations and making friends who have experienced comparable cultural difficulties. You can also ask your teachers for advice on navigating diverse communities and gain insight from their experiences.


Students in Canada frequently have to deal with subpar workplaces. For instance, if you’re an Indian student without a work permit, you might be taken advantage of by employers who pay you little to nothing at all or even nothing at all.

Many students in Canada could benefit from a new work-hour policy that permits them to work part-time jobs while attending school. In addition to helping them earn money to pay for their own housing, this can help them combat the effects of rupee depreciation.


Festivals are a big part of Canadian culture and a great way to interact with the locals. offer a way for people to share their traditions and celebrate their history, whether they are communal or personal, religious or secular.

Numerous cultures from all over the world observe holidays and festivals. These events are frequently based on religion and may include feasting or particular rituals.

For instance, the Holi festival in Hinduism is a vibrant occasion that symbolises fresh starts, forgiving others, and mending relationships. Hindus all over the world (including in Canada) look forward to it every year.

Ottawa’s Winterlude festival is another well-known winter event. It lasts for three weeks and features ice sports and musical performances. Since its inception in 1979, this festival has grown to become one of the most popular in Canada.

Expense of living

While studying abroad, students must learn how to budget their money and make wise financial decisions.

The cost of living varies by city, by province, and even by the city itself. To live comfortably, you must have a reliable source of income and a sizeable savings account.

In addition to tuition costs, students must also pay for things like housing, food, transportation, and medical care. Receiving a full or partial scholarship can assist with covering these expenses.

Language specifications

The language requirements established by the tertiary education institutions where they wish to enrol are a requirement for many international students who want to study in Canada. It is crucial to carefully research these requirements because they can differ greatly between universities.

Similar to this, skilled worker immigration procedures demand results from English- or French-language proficiency exams. The kind of test and the necessary score vary depending on the particular programme, but it is imperative to submit these results with your application.

Consider enrolling in a language course while you are studying in Canada if you want to find a way to simplify your life.

Security and Safety

Canada is regarded as a safe country in comparison to many others. The safety and security of all citizens, including foreign students, is taken seriously by the Canadian government and local police departments.

Indian students studying in Canada have access to support and assistance from their educational institution as well as the local police and emergency services in the event of an emergency or safety concern.


In conclusion, Indian students in Canada lead a distinctive lifestyle that combines academic excellence, personal development, and cultural acculturation. Indian students in Canadian universities have many opportunities to interact with people from various backgrounds and broaden their horizons thanks to the vibrant and multicultural environments.

At Sunland Education & Immigration Consultants, our team of knowledgeable immigration consultants works hard to provide you with the best advice and practical information so that you can travel abroad in peace.


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